Living Waters 2023 Year in Review 


Here at Living Waters Ministries, we are closing out our year and are taking the opportunity to send out our year in review to our incredible supporters! 

*(You can catch up on our last newsletters in your email, if you haven’t yet, for more details of our 2023 trips.)

This ministry is involved in the prisons, aka: the gated community, where we have two powerful leaders evangelizing the community and winning souls for Jesus Christ. 

However, as the Holy Spirit opens doors for various countries, our focus remains on outdoor events - we call them crusades. This year we were so excited to have the Lord open the doors for five evangelistic events - three events in Colombia and two in El Salvador! 

These crusaders have a big effect on the areas where they are held. Here are just a few of the benefits for the kingdom of God they bring forth:

  • They bring local pastors together to unite with each other to get to know one another, pray for each other, and come together to advance God’s kingdom in their area.

  • They help pastors strategize on ways to win the lost for Jesus and disciple those in their area.

  • They provide an open event to invite the lost souls of their cities to hear the mighty Gospel and have the lost give their hearts and lives to Jesus Christ, trusting Him alone as their savior!

In 2023 through these events, with your prayers and financial support, the Gospel of the Kingdom of God was proclaimed to over 6,000 people! Hundreds of people made decisions for Christ in El Salvador, and hundreds in Columbia were able to use an app on their phone to stay connected for discipleship after receiving Christ.

This year, we took two teams to El Salvador, who were instantly activated to the wonder working power of the Gospel, seeing Jesus heal many and set many free from oppression! I state this using the scripture in Romans 15:18-19:

“For I will not dare to speak of any of those things which Christ has not accomplished through me, in word and deed to make the Gentiles obedient in mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God so that wherever we go the gospel has been fully preached.” 

We are blessed and excited to have had many of our friends praying for these trips and for the lost souls we get to share the Gospel with. Nothing happens without prayer- this is the frontline of the battlefield - evangelism is Warfare!

The intercessory prayer warriors pray long before the event is held, which makes it fruitful for the harvest of souls when the evangelist proclaims the gospel at these open-air events! Thanks goes out to the silent ones we never see who move giants out of the way so the Gospel can move forward with power!

Evangelistic campaign November 1st-6th, 2023

My friends, Rick and Matt, joined me as God opened the door for two different cities. The first city was San Miguel, and the other city was high up in the mountains. Many gangs controlled numerous towns and cities until the young president of El Salvador locked most of them up as he declared war on them a few years ago. This opened the doors to many unreached towns in the mountains and elsewhere for the gospel to be preached!

On the Horizon 2024

Honduras 2024 is on our radar at Living Waters Ministries!

Several pastors have already been meeting for a planned outdoor crusade at the end of April. We also have “boots on the ground” in some other areas such as Medellin, Colombia! God is on the move so if you are watching the news, be careful - you might miss something!

Thank you all for your prayers and support to fill the boat with souls for Jesus!

Heaps of Blessings,

Rick & Deb Branson


Haiti Mission Trip