set the captives free with living water


partner with us as we work to expand the kingdom of god

We’re honored you want to partner with us as we expand the Kingdom of God! Here are some ways you can volunteer with us:

  • Donate to support this ministry

  • Support us on an open-air preaching event. Interested in joining us or providing support for the next one? Fill out the form below to request more information.

  • Are you a pastor in another country? Become a connection for us on the ground in Haiti, Pakistan, or El Salvador.

    Fill out the form below for more information!

the holy spirit makes incredible things happen

 “The trip to El Salvador with the Living Waters of Jupiter team was life changing. Throughout it, God’s presence was witnessed and we were able to experience the glory of His goodness. Excited for the next opportunity to work with Living Waters.”

Patrick, missionary

husband and wife missionaries at an orphanage in El Salvador

“This mission trip was not your average mission trip. It was an honor to be with such mighty women and men who serve God so freely. It was as if people who thought they knew the Lord experienced Him in ways they never had before, and others felt his breath for the very first time.”

rick, missionary

Nathalie, missionary,  selfie with El Salvadorian woman

 “The trip to El Salvador challenged and humbled us . The zeal and unity of the team was amazing, I think we all preached to, laid hands on and prayed for anything that moved, even the waves! And God was working mightily ! We felt it was just the beginning of God's agenda in El Salvador..”

Nathalie, missionary



reach out


  • We work closely with our volunteers and missionaries on our open-air events, and have done events in areas like Pakistan, Haiti, and El Salvador. The cost to attend is roughly $2000. To get information regarding the next crusade, email Rick,

  • Pray for us! Share our page, our blogs, or our videos. You can donate, or you can volunteer to support us in our travel and coordination efforts for crusades. Fill out the form on this page if you want more information or want to learn more about available opportunities.

  • An Evangelist at heart, Rick does provide opportunities to learn more about activating evangelism, and training prior to attending mission trips with a team. For further information, fill out the form on this page.