Pakistan Trip

The Holy Spirit has opened the door for Watering the Nations to bring the mighty gospel to Pakistan.

This year started off with a bang in the spirit realm for our ministry. In November 2019, God began to speak to me about going bigger. I responded with, “OK God, but what does that look like?”

Then, with prayer and clarification from the Holy Spirit, I believe He said to go to Pakistan to do the largest crusade  (they call them Prayer Festivals in Pakistan) Living Waters Ministries has ever done.

We moved forward in faith knowing that God wanted to reach certain souls there because of His love for Pakistan. I also felt like it was time to start training a young evangelist, as it says in Ephesians, to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. I knew the Holy Spirit was highlighting a young friend of mine, Rick Wagner. Rick and his wife Stephanie are a beautiful couple who started a rehabilitation facility in Lakeland, Georgia. God delivered both of them from drug addiction, and the dark lifestyle that goes with it, many years ago.  They opened a camp for people with drug addictions, and it's going very well.  Both he and Stephanie are sold out for Jesus and have answered the call on their lives.

I told Rick about the Pakistan trip and he committed to going with me. Going to Pakistan was his first trip out of the United States; wow - that's faith!

God moved in so many ways in Pakistan; I will just tell you a few of the testimonies. One night we were asked to come to a rooftop and preached to about a 100 people. It was Rick's turn to preach and as the singing grew louder, he looked down and asked me, “Couldn't anyone with a rifle shoot us from this rooftop?” I responded, “Yes, they probably could, but what a way to go out, preaching Jesus!!”

Rick ended up preaching that night with many receiving Jesus as their Savior, along with many signs and wonders with healing in people's bodies. 

Jesus showed up big on that rooftop!

The main crusade event was to be held on Friday night, however there was a big storm coming so they told us to cancel. Pastor Edwin, the host of the event from Breakthrough Ministries, told me he was not going to back down and that we would pray for protection from the rain. The event went forward with hundreds receiving Jesus as their Savior, and right after we were done, it started to pour down rain just as the equipment was loaded up on to the trucks. God held back the rain so people could receive Jesus!

The trip yielded much fruit for the Kingdom of God in so many ways with the salvations, healings, and signs and wonders pointing to Jesus Christ as the one and only true God. 

We were so blessed to be able to get the trip in before the Corona virus pandemic started up. 

We landed back in the US on March 4, 2020.  Borders around the world started closing the following week.   Thanks to all my prayer supporters and financial supporters because this was the biggest crusade that Living Waters Ministries has ever done.  The main event drew about 4000 people there, with hundreds who stood to their feet to receive Christ.


El Salvador Well Build